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The graphs summarize 10 occurrences of 9 keywords
Found 2 publication records. Showing 2 according to the selection in the facets
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Authors |
Title |
Venue |
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Author keywords |
2 | M. Molla-Hosseini, Roger M. Kerr, Robert B. Randall, R. B. Platfoot |
An Inspection Model with Minimal and Major Maintenance for a Flexible Manufacturing Cell using Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets. |
Application and Theory of Petri Nets |
1995 |
Notation n state of device, n 0: state following a Poisson failure, n 1: operating state, n 2: minimal maintenance state, k number of stages of deterioration before deterioration failure, s at maintenance event s after s-1 minimalmaintenance the maintenance must be a major maintenance, P(i,j,n) steady-state probability that the device is in state (i,j,n), i=deterioration-stage index, j=minimal maintenance number, Pd steady-state probability that the device is being overhauled after a deteriorating failure, P0 steady-state probability that the device is out of service due to major maintenance, minimal maintenance, minimal repair respectively, 1/ d mean time between as good as new and deterioration failure if no maintenance is initiated, 1/ 0 mean time to Poisson failure, 1/ m mean time to the next maintenance event, 1/ d mean duration of overhauling the device following a deterioration failure, 1/ m mean duration of minimal maintenance, 1/ M mean duration of major maintenance, 1/ 0 mean duration of repair after Poisson failure, U steady-state unavailability of the device, PM, Pm |
1 | Robert G. Reynolds, Jonathan I. Maletic, Stephen E. Porvin |
PM: A System to Support the Automatic Acquisition of Programming Knowledge. |
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. |
1990 |
partial metrics, code modules, hierarchically structured collection, object-oriented stepwise implementation, symbolic learning, frame-based encoding, problem-solving activities, sort module, software engineering, object-oriented programming, heuristic, knowledge acquisition, knowledge acquisition, aggregates, library, chunking, stepwise refinement, PM |
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