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Searching for phrase SPECTR-H64 (changed automatically) with no syntactic query expansion in all metadata.

Publication years (Num. hits)
2001 (1) 2002 (1) 2003 (3) 2004 (1) 2005 (1)
Publication types (Num. hits)
article(1) inproceedings(6)
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The graphs summarize 12 occurrences of 8 keywords

Found 7 publication records. Showing 7 according to the selection in the facets
Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords
311Youngdai Ko, Deukjo Hong, Seokhie Hong, Sangjin Lee 0002, Jongin Lim 0001 Linear Cryptanalysis of SPECTR-H64 with Higher Order Differential Property. Search on Bibsonomy MMM-ACNS The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Controlled Permutation, Higher order differential, Linear equation, Algebraic degree, SPECTR-H64
311Selçuk Kavut, Melek D. Yücel Slide Attack on Spectr-H64. Search on Bibsonomy INDOCRYPT The full citation details ... 2002 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Avalanche Weight Distribution (AWD), Slide attack, Spectr-H64
263Youngdai Ko, Changhoon Lee, Seokhie Hong, Sangjin Lee 0002 Related Key Differential Cryptanalysis of Full-Round SPECTR-H64 and CIKS-1. Search on Bibsonomy ACISP The full citation details ... 2004 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF CIKS-1, Related Key differential attack, Data-dependent rotation, SPECTR-H64
263Nick D. Goots, Boris V. Izotov, Alexander A. Moldovyan, Nick A. Moldovyan Fast Ciphers for Cheap Hardware: Differential Analysis of SPECTR-H64. Search on Bibsonomy MMM-ACNS The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF Data-Dependent Permutations, SPECTR-H64, Differential Analysis
196Nicolas Sklavos 0001, Alexander A. Moldovyan, Odysseas G. Koufopavlou Encryption and Data Dependent Permutations: Implementation Cost and Performance Evaluation. Search on Bibsonomy MMM-ACNS The full citation details ... 2003 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF DDP Transformations, CIKS-1, Block Cipher, Hardware Implementations, SPECTR-H64
114Nick D. Goots, Alexander A. Moldovyan, Nick A. Moldovyan Fast Encryption Algorithm Spectr-H64. Search on Bibsonomy MMM-ACNS The full citation details ... 2001 DBLP  DOI  BibTeX  RDF
67A. V. Bodrov, Alexander A. Moldovyan, Peter A. Moldovyanu DDP-Based Ciphers: Differential Analysis of SPECTR-H64. Search on Bibsonomy Comput. Sci. J. Moldova The full citation details ... 2005 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
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