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Publications at "HotPower"( )


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2008 (14) 2012 (11) 2014 (10)
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inproceedings(32) proceedings(3)
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Found 35 publication records. Showing 35 according to the selection in the facets
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1Kent W. Nixon, Xiang Chen 0010, Hucheng Zhou, Yunxin Liu, Yiran Chen 0001 Mobile GPU Power Consumption Reduction via Dynamic Resolution and Frame Rate Scaling. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Iyswarya Narayanan, Di Wang 0003, Abdullah-Al Mamun 0001, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Hosam K. Fathy Should We Dual-Purpose Energy Storage in Datacenters for Power Backup and Demand Response? Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Yuvraj Agarwal, Karthick Rajamani (eds.) 6th Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems, HotPower '14, Broomfield, CO, USA, October 5, 2014. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Marcus Hähnel, Hermann Härtig Heterogeneity by the Numbers: A Study of the ODROID XU+E big.LITTLE Platform. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Priyanka Tembey, Saumitra Das, Dilma Da Silva, Vrajesh Bhavsar All Opportunities Are Not Equal: Enabling Energy Efficient App Syncs In Diverse Networks. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Salma Elmalaki 0001, Mark Gottscho, Puneet Gupta 0001, Mani B. Srivastava A Case for Battery Charging-Aware Power Management and Deferrable Task Scheduling in Smartphones. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Lucas Francisco Wanner, Mani B. Srivastava ViRUS: Virtual Function Replacement Under Stress. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Bo Li 0032, Edgar A. León Memory Throttling on BG/Q: A Case Study with Explicit Hydrodynamics. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Kishwar Ahmed, Mohammad A. Islam 0001, Shaolei Ren, Gang Quan Can Data Center Become Water Self-Sufficient? Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Xiang Chen 0010, Kent W. Nixon, Hucheng Zhou, Yunxin Liu, Yiran Chen 0001 FingerShadow: An OLED Power Optimization Based on Smartphone Touch Interactions. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2014 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Bharathan Balaji, John McCullough, Rajesh K. Gupta 0001, Yuvraj Agarwal Accurate Characterization of the Variability in Power Consumption in Modern Mobile Processors. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Feng Yan 0001, Xenia Mountrouidou, Evgenia Smirni Quantitative Estimation of the Performance Delay with Propagation Effects in Disk Power Savings. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Panagiotis Vekris, Ranjit Jhala, Sorin Lerner, Yuvraj Agarwal Towards Verifying Android Apps for the Absence of No-Sleep Energy Bugs. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Vinicius Petrucci, Orlando Loques, Daniel Mossé Lucky Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Multi-Core Systems. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Yeseong Kim, Jihong Kim 0001 Personalized Diapause: Reducing Radio Energy Consumption of Smartphones by Network-Context Aware Dormancy Predictions. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ashok Gautham, Kunal Korgaonkar, Patanjali SLPSK, Shankar Balachandran, Kamakoti Veezhinathan The Implications of Shared Data Synchronization Techniques on Multi-Core Energy Efficiency. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Robert Schöne, Daniel Hackenberg, Daniel Molka Memory Performance at Reduced CPU Clock Speeds: An Analysis of Current x86_64 Processors. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Mani Srivastava 0001, Thomas F. Wenisch (eds.) 2012 Workshop on Power-Aware Computing Systems, HotPower'12, Hollywood, CA, USA, October 7, 2012 Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Devesh Tiwari, Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai, Youngjae Kim 0001, Xiaosong Ma, Simona Boboila, Peter Desnoyers Reducing Data Movement Costs Using Energy-Efficient, Active Computation on SSD. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Zhen Wang 0006, Lin Zhong 0001 Supporting Distributed Execution of Smartphone Workloads on Loosely Coupled Heterogeneous Processors. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Yuki Abe 0001, Hiroshi Sasaki 0001, Martin Peres, Koji Inoue, Kazuaki J. Murakami, Shinpei Kato Power and Performance Analysis of GPU-Accelerated Systems. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2012 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Thomas Schmid 0002, Zainul Charbiwala, Jonathan Friedman, Mani B. Srivastava, Young H. Cho The True Cost of Accurate Time. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Feng Zhao 0001 (eds.) Workshop on Power Aware Computing and Systems, HotPower 2008, December 7, 2008, San Diego, CA, USA, Proceedings Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Suzanne Rivoire, Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Christos Kozyrakis A Comparison of High-Level Full-System Power Models. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Randy H. Katz What if the Energy Grid Were Designed Like the Internet? Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Randy H. Katz Greening the Switch. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1James R. Hamilton Where Does the Power Go and What to do About it? Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Guanying Wang, Ali Raza Butt, Chris Gniady On the Impact of Disk Scrubbing on Energy Savings. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Andreas Merkel, Frank Bellosa Memory-aware Scheduling for Energy Efficiency on Multicore Processors. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Euiseong Seo, Seon-Yeong Park, Bhuvan Urgaonkar Empirical Analysis on Energy Efficiency of Flash-based SSDs. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Sergiu Nedevschi, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Jitendra Padhye Hot Data Centers vs. Cool Peers. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Niraj Tolia, Zhikui Wang, Manish Marwah, Cullen E. Bash, Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Xiaoyun Zhu Delivering Energy Proportionality with Non Energy-Proportional Systems - Optimizing the Ensemble. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Adam Wade Lewis, Soumik Ghosh, Nian-Feng Tzeng Run-time Energy Consumption Estimation Based on Workload in Server Systems. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Jeffrey C. Mogul Looking Between the Street Lamps. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
1Benjamin Ransford, Shane S. Clark, Mastooreh Salajegheh, Kevin Fu Getting Things Done on Computational RFIDs with Energy-Aware Checkpointing and Voltage-Aware Scheduling. Search on Bibsonomy HotPower The full citation details ... 2008 DBLP  BibTeX  RDF
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